Friday, January 7, 2011

Temporary Destination

Doors of  tiny cubicles frame nursing home eyes

Casting out from fragments of faded liberties

Hoping to net glances in the vast sea of neglect.

Rigid, metal wheelchairs pose gaunt anatomical frames

Uttering nebulous vocalizations and wheezy alarms

Grabbing at fabric garments of potential deliverance.

Single beds cradle withering remains of human forms

Existing hour after hour with tethered oxygen lifelines

Supplying cruel ropes of sustentation to shackled souls.

Elder atrophied toddlers shamble slowly in lonesome indignity

Navigating indifferently through a sanitized community

Masking a reality of mishap, urine, and defecation.

Bottles full of pharmaceuticals make promises of subsistence

Feeding stubborn genetic programs set to inborn molecular clocks

Housing hands of homeostatic imbalances for aging flesh and bones.  

Rooms emptied of physical remains wait in pious, somber silence

Housing yet more dear lives as weigh stations of weary travelers

Supplying emigration portals and one-way tickets for destination Eternity.


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